Legal Notice
Company information
GESTOPEN (CIF: G02872463), with address at calle Marqués de Casa Valdés, num. 105, 1º 1ª, 33202 Gijón, Asturias (Spain). Registered in the National Register of Associations, Group 1, Section 1, National Number 620873. Activity: 103 – Other miscellaneous, date of registration 19/11/2020 and date of incorporation 06/07/2020. Contact:
These General Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) regulate the access and use by any person (“User”) of the pages that make up the web domain (“Website”), owned by GESTOPEN, (“GESTOPEN”), as well as the contents and services included therein.
Access to this website or its use by the user necessarily implies, without reservation, submission to and acceptance of the general conditions. Therefore, it is recommended that the user reads them carefully each time he/she wants to enter the GESTOPEN website.
GESTOPEN reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, any modification or update of the contents and services, of the general conditions and, in general, of any elements that make up the design and configuration of its website.
Access and use of the website
The user accesses the website under his sole responsibility. The contents and services presented on the website are intended to disseminate information about the activities carried out by GESTOPEN. The contents of the website may in no case be considered legal advice on any matter.
GESTOPEN will use all reasonable means at its disposal to ensure that the content and services included in its website are accurate and up to date. However, GESTOPEN is not in a position to guarantee this at all times.
Given that the user can download certain content from the website, GESTOPEN has the necessary infrastructure to prevent damage resulting from the existence of computer viruses. GESTOPEN is not responsible for any potential damage or errors that, due to the presence of any virus, the user’s computer system (hardware or software) may suffer when accessing or using the website.
Likewise, GESTOPEN will inform the user about the technical specifications required to download information and content from its website. The user is requested to pay attention to these warning messages, since GESTOPEN is not responsible for any damages that may be suffered by the user’s computer equipment due to improper or negligent use of the website.
The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the user/customer accepts that the provider obtains data for the purpose of the corresponding authentication of access controls.
Intellectual property and industrial property
All contents, without exclusion and without limitation, that are part of the website, i.e. information, articles, data, texts, logos, icons, images, design and image of the website (external appearance or look and feel), video files, audio files, databases and computer applications, are the property of GESTOPEN or are exploited under license from third parties who own the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the aforementioned contents. These are protected by the intellectual and industrial property laws in force.
Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, downloading and, in general, any act of exploitation of all or part of the contents (images, texts, designs, indexes, forms, etc.) that make up the website, as well as the databases and software necessary for its visualization or operation, is prohibited without the express and prior written authorization of GESTOPEN.
The user may create a private copy of the contents solely and exclusively for personal use. Any other use or exploitation shall require prior written authorization from GESTOPEN. In particular, the user is prohibited from reproducing, distributing, publicly communicating (including the right to make available), posting, displaying, transforming, collecting and in any other way exploiting the contents appearing on the website without the prior written authorization of GESTOPEN.
All trademarks, logos or distinctive signs of GESTOPEN indicated on the website are trademarks owned by GESTOPEN.
Any hypertext link, deep link, framing, or any other type of virtual connection through telecommunication networks from any website or URL address (“links”) to the web page, must be previously authorized in writing by GESTOPEN, and the link must be established in any case to its home page.
GESTOPEN wishes to clarify that the links to third party websites contained in the website are for guidance purposes only, being their purpose to make available to the user other sources of information that may be of interest.
If any user or third party observes that such links may be contrary to the law, morality or public order, or that they are likely to incite violence or discrimination on sexual, ideological, religious or racial grounds, please inform us at the following address
Apart from the legal provisions, GESTOPEN declines any liability in relation to the contents of the links or the damages or errors that, due to any virus present when accessing or using them, the user’s computer systems (hardware and software) may suffer.
Cookies are small files that contain certain information about the user’s navigation through the Web. Cookies are sent to the user’s browser and stored on the user’s computer. The information collected through cookies may include the date and time of visits to our Web site, page navigation and time spent on our Web site. Unless the user decides to register for one of our services, the cookie will never be associated with any personal data that can identify the user.
Our website uses the following cookies:
Google Analytics: These are first-party cookies for reporting on user interactions on our website. These cookies are used to store non-personally identifiable information. Browsers do not share first-party cookies across domains. More information at
-Technical cookies: They allow the user to navigate through the website and the use of its different options or services.
Users who have consented to the use of cookies by continuing to browse the site expressly and unequivocally authorize the use of this information for the purpose indicated.
To withdraw your consent, simply delete the cookies stored on your equipment (computer or mobile device) through the settings and configurations of your Internet browser. In the following link you will find all the necessary information on how to delete, disable or block cookies:
Applicable law and jurisdiction
These general conditions are subject to Spanish law.
For the resolution of any conflict that may arise from accessing the website, the user and GESTOPEN expressly agree to submit to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona, waiving any other general or special jurisdiction that may correspond to them.
Data protection
GESTOPEN informs the user that all personal data is processed in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, 1999 on Data Protection and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, 2007, approving the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, 1999, on the Protection of Personal Data.
Terms and conditions of purchase
These General Terms and Conditions – hereinafter referred to as GTC – regulate the conditions of purchase of the different products offered on our website. Users who make purchases on fully accept these GTC and will be bound by them, as if they were written at the time of contracting/purchase.
It will be an essential requirement to read and accept the GTC, prior to the purchase of any product through The prices and conditions of sale are for information purposes only and may be modified according to market fluctuations. However, the placement of the order by filling in the purchase form implies conformity with the price offered and with the general conditions of sale in force at that particular moment. Once the order has been formalized, the purchase will be understood to be perfected by right, with all the legal guarantees that protect the purchasing consumer and, from that moment on, the prices and conditions will be contractual in nature and cannot be modified without the express agreement of both contracting parties. Spanish shall be the language used to formalize the contract. The electronic document formalizing the contract will be archived and the user will have access to it in his customer area.
GESTOPEN reserves the right to deny and/or suspend access to the services provided at for reasons of breach of contractual good faith, breach of applicable law, of these General Conditions of Purchase and / or in cases of fraud detected by this company and / or any of its suppliers.
Cancellation and refunds
GESTOPEN reserves the right to cancel the tournament without notice, as long as it is for reasons of force majeure (such as the coronavirus pandemic), without having to compensate the participants financially, only with the refund of the registration fee or reservation of accommodation.
In the event that a participant wishes to cancel his/her registration to the tournament or accommodation reservation, he/she will have to inform the organization 90 days prior to the start of the tournament, and the registration fee or accommodation reservation will be refunded. After this date, any requested cancellation will forfeit the right to claim your registration fee or accommodation reservation.