Aunque las inscripciones para la sexta edición de EL LLOBREGAT OPEN CHESS no se abrirán hasta dentro de tres meses (el 1 de abril), el maestro Krasenkow y su esposa, la WMI Elena Krasenkowa, nos han anunciado que jugaran la próxima edición de EL LLOBREGAT OPEN CHESS y nos lo han comunicado deseándonos un venturoso 2025. Saludo que hacemos nuestro y enviamos a toda la comunidad ajedrecística, animando a los jugadores a ser tan diligentes como el matrimonio Krasenkow y programar la participación en EL LLOBREGAT en su calendario de competiciones para 2025.
¡Buenas partidas en 2025!
GM Michal Krasenkow credits a long chess life: recognized as an author of reference publications, he has contributed to the study of openings (especially the King's Indian Defense); in recent times he has excelled as a successful trainer with Olympic teams; as a player he was among the top ten players in the world, exceeding an ELO of 2,700 points (currently 2,519 ELO, FIDE).
Although the inscriptions for the sixth edition of EL LLOBREGAT OPEN CHESS will not open until three months from now (April 1st), Master Krasenkow and his wife, WMI Elena Krasenkowa, have announced that they will play the next edition of EL LLOBREGAT OPEN CHESS and they have communicated it to us wishing us a happy 2025. Greetings that we make our own and send to the entire chess community, encouraging players to be as diligent as the Krasenkow couple and schedule participation in EL LLOBREGAT in their calendar of competitions for 2025.
Good games in 2025!